Friday, August 1, 2014

TGIF, my ass

August 1, 2014

Friday for a stay at home mom? Probably the hardest day of the whole week. If we have survived, Friday can look something like this:

Our breaking point. Just another day after a very long week. The moment we have reached the end of our rope and there's no reprieve in sight. We have no patience left. The kids don't sleep, or listen, or ever shut up. They've been fighting and whining and fussing all week and basically you've gotten -20 minutes of silence all week. You no longer feel like super mom and when you don't hear from your toddler for 10 minutes, you don't go check anymore. You stop answering stupid questions and ignore the screeching tantrums. You don't have any more words of encouragement when your toddler trips and falls for the 80th time of the week. You have nothing left. You're simply an empty shell of a person. No laughter, no tears, no patience, and certainly nothing left of a brain cell. You're stupid, empty, forgetful, worthless. Yet, you continue on because its all survival and you've come this far.

We are dirty. Dehydrated. Skin is dry. Hair is greasy and limp. Fridays feel similar to the end of a year long trek across the Serengeti. The kids are crusty and we no longer care to use a bib when feeding our 7 month old. There's a new species of bird taking up residency in our messy bun that may have been there for 2 days. This is one thing we can look forward to the weekend for, the possibility of a shower without screaming kids trying to pull down the curtain. We will remember to shampoo and maybe get to shave. Because by friday, we are also extremely hairy. Even the cat won't  rub up on my legs anymore on fridays.

Our house. Oh my god, our house. Its a war scene. It's been a whole week of trying to get that mountain of laundry done, and it was not a successful week. The toddler has been climbing up the mountain for fun since wed so now its been mixed with the dirty pile again. So the weekend is full of laundry. And more laundry. And why is the weekend a fun time, again?  The dishes have over run the counter and some are stuck to each other. There is nothing clean left and instead of doing dishes more often we get on Amazon quick to order some more toddler forks. We are running around after our 2 year old who is lucky to be alive anymore as we brush the bottoms of our feet off on our other leg because there's so many unidentified crumbs on the floor. Thats when we realize that we didn't vacuum since Tuesday. There are substances on every surface and you don't even wonder what the sticky stuff is anymore because so far, its not killed anyone.

There's no fresh produce left in the house and what has made it through the week is old and making the fridge smell. So because there's no strawberries left, we throw the toddler a piece of cold pizza for breakfast and a sip of milk in fear of running out before the end of the day. Lunch could be a piece of cheese for all we care. Or fishie crackers. Whatever.

Your kids are going to be around all weekend and you are stressed out trying to think of HOW the hell you will plan for time to get the house back together before monday and spend some precious family time that is full of life enriching, family bonding events. And a shower, can I get a shower in some time this weekend, please?? For the love of all things living, I just want to shower.

 Your weekend calendar was full half a year ago. You have plans for your plans and even the fish is booked. While you run around all weekend trying to get your family to where they need to be in short order, everyone throws stuff around the house, which makes it worse and then by Sunday night you look around wondering how you will survive another whole week when you start your Monday out in such a war zone.

But then there's that moment where you let it all go. I mean, really, you've already given up the fight. With your smells and your messes and your despair, and exhaustion. Just let it go, sit back, and think "hot damn, we made it another week. We have survived, my kids are happy and kind of fed, and I am a fucking SuperMom." And you'll live to do it another week.

TGIF, mamas!

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