Monday, September 8, 2014

We are alive

September 8, 2014

So its been a little bit. Thats because we moved and school started and i'm not funny or witty right now. I have nothing cool to write about so i'll just give you an update on the madness.

This morning I signed a paper for Ella to hand in to school that was due last week. And I signed the date 9-14-2014. Twice. But the morning from there on seemed pretty awesome. All kids dressed, lunch packed and Ella off to school on time, I was showered and had a clean change of clothes on, "school time" with Kian done, Logan had a morning nap, dinner in the crock pot cooking- all by noon! I was starting to think my shit was together today until suddenly Kian spilled a glass of milk, Logan crapped out of his outfit, Kian had a level 10 on the rikter scale melt down because I wouldn't let him kick a ball at the tv, and I dropped half our lunch on the floor. All SINCE noon.

We moved 2 weeks ago. From Anoka to Anoka. Its been so stressful, I could literally spontaneously combust. I've lived for this move. We didn't do it organized but that shouldn't really surprise anyone who actually knows Sean or I. It was the worst move possible. I was packing as moving and our house is still not emptied or listed for sale. So thats that. Moving along.

Our new house is sort of a mess but getting there. We haven't updated anything except some appliance issues and put in a God blessed garbage disposal because I lost about 10 years of my life that couple days without one. Pain-stakingly standing at the garbage as I scraped out remnances (where the fuck is my spell check?!?!) of salads and flakey cereal. It sucked. Sorry, but no idea how anyone lives without a disposal. I have no closet shelves or hanging bars installed in the bedroom closets yet but dammit, I have a disposal.

So we are living out of boxes and every time I get the dining room or garage cleared, we go back to the old house and pack some more shit up and bring more boxes to deal with. UGH. Moving sucks. We have had out kids tagging along EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Not even one day without them during this move. So that could have something to do with the lack of productivity and increased frustration. Or that pool. Thats sure not helping us be productive. We spent a lot of time swimming when we shouldn't have but fuck it, soon we have to close it down. Its been nice and memories are being made, whether we look like hobos or not.

I've begun a sort of home schooling with Kian for preschool since he missed the cut off by a couple weeks. He has been LOVING it. He just asks every morning if he can glue. Not eat it, luckily. But gluing shit is his specialty. Today we played with play doh and built fruit loop towers in it and sorted out shapes in a muffin pan.  He loved that.

Fall is on it's way and that makes me happier than summer. Maybe now that we have a pool that will change though. Who knows. I am sorta sad to see the "warm" days go now. Even though this has been the coldest, rainiest end of summer/fall that we've had in years. Of course when we buy a pool house, that would be the case! Thank God for a heater, its been cranked up.

I'm planning Kian's 3rd bday party now and not sure how that happened because I'm pretty sure I was just thinking how much I wanted a baby like yesterday and suddenly that baby is 3. Sweet boy. Ok, really, I gotta fess up. That was a moment where I wanted to go into how sweet and adorable and magical and special he is, but all I can really think of was the huge fit he just had, or how he swears at me more than a trucker. Or how he screams and throws and kicks and fights me EVERY STEP OF THE DAY. He breaks me down and brings me to a place I never knew a kid could. I am sure I am failing about every 35 minutes because theres no way a good parent would have a kid like this. I hope we make it through this. Rough times, they are.

But that won't stop me from planning a cute little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party for him and spending too much and going over the top because I love him and I love throwing a good party and I am naive to think he will be nice and smiley and happy that day.

I am also working on trying to decorate this house. Theres so much work to do here. Right now my mission is finding the perfect cap cod style furnishings for the room the looks over the pool. I suck at home decor, matching, colors… I'm great at "visions" and I suck at execution.  I need to see pics of living rooms for inspiration. And even then, it will end up being totally different than I intended it to be, because when I try to do grown up things I fail.

I am still dreaming. I want to start a "fund" to go on a Disney trip next fall. I want to begin thinking of what fun we will do for Halloween time. And what to get the kids for Christmas even though I told Ella they get only 1 gift each this year and we will do more soup kitchen type stuff and go back to what Christmas is really about. Yea right, i'm stupid and spoil these kids during holidays because I just love shopping and giving and holidays and "themes" and, well, commercialism. I want to hate that about me but I really enjoy it. Maybe i'm shallow and all that jazz but I don't really think so. Because I do instill lessons and magic into these holidays. My kids could stand to be more grateful so that is my goal this Christmas. Keep dreaming, mama. I dream to begin exercising and have my body back since I believe we are done with the baby making stage in life. But I really like junk food and have little time to eat healthy so we'll see how that works out.

Walking Dead starts soon and I finally scored my all time desired baby carrier just in time.
. Here it is, drool, right? It's a Zombie Appocalypse Kinderpack carrier and I spent way too much so have considered selling a child now, but they're very highly sought after carriers in the world of baby wearing. Hey, some women buy shoes or purses. Me? I buy awesome baby carriers and can promise that the memories and special moments with my babies will trump any memories that shoes can bring!

So thats life right now, we are all still alive and kicking. Some harder than the others. Thanks for reading!

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