Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Some may say I'm a dreamer…

July 30, 2014

Life has been hectic and crazy and extremely stressful. Moving. 3 kids. 'Nuff said. I feel like shooting myself in the eye.

We have so much stuff. So. Much. Stuff. I love shopping. I love stuff. I love buying. I love holidays and thinking of holidays and gift giving and planning and buying and cute little outfits for my little people and my whole fucking family is the same. So this means that every holiday about a u-Haul's worth of gifts come back here and we don't get rid of much because, well, we are like hoarders. I like to blame Sean and Ella and the cat for being the hoarders but I do hoard things as well. So packing goes something like this:

I think I will pack some boxes today. Ok, lets make a box be the "garage sale" box and one box be the "keep" box. I always start our strong, putting items into the sale box and some into the keep and then Kian comes and takes out of the sale box and then I let it go in the keep box and then I have second guesses about a for sale item and move back to the keep box and then Kian decides that can't even be packed away at all yet because he still needs to play with it and then I am stressed and forget which box is which so then I dump them both out and think I should start over and Kian is taping toys to the wall.  Its a huge mess now and so I decide to move onto something else that should be easier and go to my closet and begin 2 boxes and the whole cycle starts again and I get nothing packed. So thats been my week. And then things are messier, more boxes and items are laying around. And I want to shoot my eyeballs out more.

Then I begin to glaze over and dream of the life on the road. You know, sell it all, buy an RV and travel the US for a year. We would "unschool" the children and their classroom would be the whole country. And maybe Canada too. Every day life. No limits. Maybe Sean and I would start  blog for some cash. We would meet people in little towns and learn different trades. Our kids wouldn't be at risk of being shot at school every day or bullied by ass hole kids and their ass hole parents. Or pin holed into public education and the limits put on our education system. Sean and I wouldn't have the stress of mortgage and work and kids'  activities and run run run run run anymore. We would learn to use oil for gas and eat fresh vegetables from our traveling vegetable garden. We would go to farms and mountains and beaches and forests. We would have to talk to each other and tell stories and use our imaginations. We would get dirty and bathe in lakes or streams. Just a year. Doesn't it sound amazing?

...Just another crazy Mombie dream. In the mean time, I better go pretend to pack another box of shit!

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