Thursday, July 17, 2014

26 Reasons I know I've Gone Bat Shit Crazy

Like, totally nuts. I've lost the plot. Dove off the deep end. Going off the Rails on a Crazy Train. Some signs that indicate a high level of "wack jobness" ;

1. I had a 3rd child. Seriously. Don't do it. (I love them, I do!)
2. I will have a 5 year old boy, a 3 year old boy, and a 13 year old girl in 3 years. Kill. Me.
3. I sometimes pretend i'm going to the bathroom and sit on the floor and.....well, just sit.
4. I leave the house without shoes on too often.
5. I can't remember my garage code over 60% of the time.
6. I still stumble when reciting my 2nd child's birth date. He's almost 3 and I don't have his birthday down.
7. I have cried in the morning when i've discovered i'm out of caffiene. Huge temper tantrums.
8. I no longer know how to spell anything unless its a Disney character.
9. I decided to begin blogging.
10. Even when i'm so fucking tired I could die all over the place, I still don't go to bed any time before 11 pm.
11. I say all sorts of shit that my mom used to say and I don't even wanna smack myself.
12. I can say things like "no, thats the butt thermometer, don't ever touch my face with that" and it doesn't even seem weird to me.
13. I argue with a 2 year old and even pat myself on the back when i've won.
14. I actually get pissed when I have not won.
15. I spy. Really, I do! I'm the neighborhood spy.
16. I drive a mini van. BUT, it has a Zombie family on the back of it. So that's fine, right?
17. I live in yoga pants and flip flops. Or Toms. Yea, I own Toms.
18. I only cut my hair like once every 7,000 years.
19. I let the grays take over.
20. I can't remember the last time i've been out of the house alone past 7 pm. I didn't even used to be awake and ready for the party until at least 10pm!
21. I quit my job to stay at home full time.
22. Even if Dr.G, medical examiner offered me a dream job, i'd probably say no just to stay home with these wacky little monsters.
23. I get giddy about cute cloth diapers coming in the mail.
24. I am moving in like a month but haven't begun doing anything yet.
25. I spend every day in the car with a screaming baby and typically a whining, yelling toddler so a lot of times I don't even remember how I got to my destination.
26. I am not on any medication, alcohol, and I don't smoke. Because I nurse my damn children until they're like, in college. Thank god for caffiene and food.
and the craziest one of all.....
27. I would actually do all of this over again even after I know what I know now....

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