Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Fixin' a flat head

July 16, 2014

My baby has a helmet! Nothing is "wrong" with him, he didn't hit his head too much, I am not over protective (well, I kind of am, but even I wouldn't go that far), and no….dad didn't drop him too many times, even though thats what I like to tell people. Around 2 or so months my mom noticed he had a flat spot on the back of his head. Good call, grandma!! Luckily it was noticed so early because his treatment has started earlier than for most other babies and has worked amazingly.  By 4 months our happy little chunk had his helmet on. This process takes a few weeks to a month from the first appointment, to measuring and fittings, then they take about 2 weeks to mold the helmet. So early intervention is a plus! The finished product is called a cranio helmet and most places have their own versions. The condition is called Plagiocephaly and is pretty common nowadays with all the back sleeping for SIDS reduction. It seems like an ok trade off, i'd rather some flat heads than more SIDS, I suppose. It often times will accompany another issue called torticollis. Or torticollis accompanies Plagiocephaly. Who knows, we are unsure which one starts first and causes the other. He has both. He likes to turn his head a certain way, and to tilt it the other way. That could cause the flat spot. Or because he had the flat spot, he liked to turn his head that way. Who knows what comes first. It can happen in the womb from being in a certain position, can be because he had a softer head and laid on his back more, it could be because i'm a shit mom and never held him as a baby (kidding, it is NOT our fault!!! Just what strangers think.)

So we have been going to physical therapy for the neck and helmet fittings bi-weekly so they can monitor growth and adjust as needed. Today we had to get helmet #2 on because my once tiny, little preemie is blowing up like a blimp and he grew out of that helmet already. Head is looking good, rounding out nicely. At this age they just don't want to rush taking it off too soon because he has yet to reach major growth and milestones. We are working on teaching him to roll, sit, and basically be off the back of his head so much. We don't want it getting flatter again!

In case some scared mom runs across this in her frantic googling of plagiocephaly, torticollis, helmets, and flat heads I will say this. ITS OK. Totally fine. I promise after a week maybe 2, you will all be perfectly fine. For us, it was immediately. Day 1 was fine. Night 1 was fine. We were lucky though, i'm sure some babies need adjusting. He never changed sleeping habits, couldn't care less about the helmet, and we got used to the goofy look of the thing. Everything is easy and no big deal. Except the stupid appointments. Those kinda suck. But don't cry, don't think you did something wrong, don't feel bad for your precious baby, don't feel like you'll miss out on his infancy. This takes nothing away from all that. Trust me, I worried about all this too. Snuggles, his happiness, his first summer….this. That. Everything. I worried about it all. I wrote about it on Facebook. I cried. I googled. Check out Facebook, theres a great group for torticollis and plagiocephaly support. This helped immensely. I no longer feared any of it! The people in that group are so awesome and you see cute pics of other babies rocking the helmets. Its common and its ok! Also, this blog helped me a lot, I read through it one night and felt way better. Check it out for more details on her journey, the awesome decorating job, and for pics of Ella, who is soooooo cute!  Here ------->Ella's Melon

Helmet babies are so cute and loveable, and you'll soon be beyond this phase of life. This too shall pass, mama.